“We didn’t even ask her if she wanted to join us,” Kate recalls with a chuckle. “We just sent her a plane ticket and told her to show up.”

The ladies chose to retreat on the shore of the beautiful Texas lake. They found a Resort and Spa that had all the good stuff they were looking for.

“It wasn’t a big gathering,” Kate reflected. “There were four women besides Donna. We enjoyed the spa. We ate good food. We rested. We rode four-wheelers. We even participated in a champagne tasting.

“But mainly we talked,” Kate continued. “All of us got to share with Donna about the imperfections in our own lives. That meant a great deal to her at that time in her life.”

As a result of the retreat, a bond occurred. “We forged a nice community as a result of the retreat,” Kate remembered. “We started meeting together regularly, although some of the meetings were ‘virtual’ online. We reached out to her through Facebook as well. Every time she posted something on Facebook, it was a member of the First Rate family who would be the first to respond.

“We developed a deep and meaningful relationship of love that all started through business. It wasn’t motivated by getting more business, either–it was reciprocal.”

Time has passed and Donna has gone through a great deal of healing. But if you ask her about the days of crisis, she will point to those wonderful women at First Rate as a real lifesaver in the days of her deep waters.

“The story of how we were able to help Donna is a model of what is going on here at First Rate,” Kate says today. “If we have a client who says to us ‘I am going through a really rough time’ they don’t need to worry about First Rate writing them off. No way.”

#LoveGiveServeEnjoy #FirstRateLiving